Looking for Guru Privat A level? You are in the right place! Jakartatutoring.com provides Guru Privat A Level who are not only SMART, but also able to explain the concepts clearly and easy to understand. Unlike usual tutoring agency, Jakartatutoring.com supports all of our tutors with curriculum and pedagogical content knowledge which proven by research to be effective in helping students to achieve a better result in A level Exams. Our Guru Privat A level does not work individually, our academic support team always be there to support all of our Guru privat with rich learning materials, training, and expert consultation.
Jakartatutoring.com provides A level tutor for exams to help students from International schools or individual candidates. Contact us for more information about our A level teacher’s qualification.
Excellent proficiency in English and able to help international students. Demand for matched non-public tuition for A-LEVEL Tutor in Jakarta stands at first place in google.
We provide two kinds of services for Guru Privat A level
Full English Tutoring: Our preferred approach for tutoring is the “Full English Biology Private Tutoring” This delivery method is taught 100% in English to help International student whose native language is English or local students who prefer using English. It is to ensure adequate student engagement and comprehension of the subjects and concepts taught at school. It also ensures consistent learning based on original language of cambridge A level curricula and specially designed tutoring materials
Bilingual (Bahasa Indonesia + English) Tutoring: Our preferred approach for this tutoring is the “Bilingual Biology Private Tutoring” This delivery method is taught in Bahasa Indonesia however it still maintains original English Terms to help local Indonesian student to understand more about the subjects using their primary language. Besides the use of language, there is no much differences between program. It also ensures consistent learning based on original language of A level curricula and specially designed tutoring materials